Sunday, April 8, 2012

In My Mailbox (2)

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren, which is used to interact with other bloggers about their upcoming reads.

Here is what I have this week:

Loved the first book from last week, starting the second!

I've heard many, many great things about this book. The premise is slightly scary and a bit on the gag side, but it sounds interesting. The cover doesn't help with the creepiness. (;

Thanks for tuning in!



  1. I watch Pretty Little Liars on ABC Fam religiously, but I've never read the books lol. Are they anything like the show? My IMM Post

    1. They are nothing like the show at all, haha. I definitely like the TV series better. The book is intriguing, but there are sooo many references to brand names that it gets very annoying. :) I'll check yours out!

  2. I have, so far, only read the first PPL book, but I need to reread it. Most of the times I skipped scenes. XD

    Happy Reading!

    Patricia // Maybe check out my IMM, too?

    1. The books are good, but are nothing compared to the show!
      I'll check yours out as well :).
